Saturday, October 4, 2008


This is the project I've been dying to post about for weeks, but couldn't do it since it was a surprise and I didn't want to spoil it for the recipient in case she came browsing through here. She's on her way to the post office to pick it up now, though, so I can finally show the scarf to the non-Ravelry world:

I love the fact that it's a delicate lacy pattern knitted up in a shocking lime green (which this picture doesn't quite do justice to!) Just the thing for all Victorian ravers. The pattern is by Violet Green and is available for free here. Give it a try if you like the look of it; it's easier than it seems and very exciting!


IMLOT said...

Eeeee! It turned out great! You became a "real knitter" practically overnight. I didn't attempt lace until I've been knitting for a year. ;)

Valerie said...

*blush* Awww, nothin' to it... just patience. I won't consider myself a 'real knitter' until I've got a pair of self-made socks. ;)

cicibici bişeyler said...

very beautiful!I try to knit now.Thanks.